I wish I could lose weight and get my dream body, right? And it seems that the algorithm has been known for a long time, and an abundance of information is always available on the Internet. The problem came, as they say, from where we did not expect: our cunning brain resists changes in our usual way of life. Motivation - this simple word has become a real scourge of our time. Let's find out how to motivate yourself to lose weight: effective methods, useful tips, inspiring phrases - all this awaits you in this article.
Types of motivation
Forewarned is forearmed! Before you dive into any big undertaking (and losing weight is a pretty voluminous and complex task), you need to "tighten up your gear" and figure out what that motivation really is. This is also important because you can easily understand which method to influence yourself. Below we will see what types of motivation exist and how they can be used in the context of losing extra pounds.
Positive motivation is the good old "carrot" method, when achieving a goal or making progress towards it is associated with pleasant emotions, and your desire to move forward is caused by the desire to receive these emotions. For example:
- when you lose weight, you will delight in a big purchase that you have been putting off for a long time;
- family and friends encourage your progress, encourage and praise you for your success;
- Once you lose weight, you will be able to participate in the competition you always dreamed of.
This type of motivation works well for positive people who are not prone to excessive self-criticism, as well as for those who need to lose a few pounds, with which, in general, life is already good.
Negative or negative motivation is the "stick" method. In this case, your main incentive is fear. For example:
- I'm so tired of being overweight that I don't want to look in the mirror;
- going to the gym for fear of gaining/losing even more weight;
- weight becomes a serious threat to health.
This type of motivation works best if you are faced with a choice: "do or die. "It can be used when the matter is urgent and the objective must be achieved at all costs.
Extrinsic and intrinsic motivations are varieties of positive and negative types that can occur in both. Behind external motivation there is usually another person, circumstances and conditions that surround you. In other words, something from outside leads to the result.
Unlike external motivation, internal motivation does not depend on surrounding factors – in this case, the driving force is within you. If you move to another country, another environment and other conditions, your desire to lose weight will remain.
How to deal with the fear of starting
Do you think you need a lot of motivation because you are a big procrastinator? Sometimes the problem is not laziness, but a banal fear of starting something new. The brain always reacts to changes in lifestyle by worrying about our well-being. Therefore, any stress – such as reducing portions, excluding familiar foods from the diet, exhausting exercise – can prevent you from starting to lose weight, even with simple thoughts about it. Let's figure out what to do about it now.
Build a clear action plan
Any goal, even the most global one, consists of just hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of small steps. We often don't notice this, so we don't even start working - we simply can't imagine how to get from the current point A to the cherished point B. Everything will be much easier if you write down a complete list of your steps on paper or in notes on your smartphone - from an approximate diet to a training schedule and actions in case of a breakdown (this is important).
Do not hurry
We often try to change ourselves once and for all, completely changing our usual rhythm and lifestyle. Naturally, this leads to meltdowns, because leaving your comfort zone is always stressful. So that you have enough strength and will to achieve your desired goal, start the journey little by little. Remember that the weight loss process is a long journey and there is no need to rush. Start by changing a bad habit, stay that way for a few weeks until it persists, and only then move on to the next one.
Just do it
Thinking about starting a new life is very exciting and pleasurable. You can imagine a multitude of different scenarios, develop a strategy, get bogged down in doubts. . . Yes, even read articles about motivation!: ) Isn't it easier to start? To take the first step, you just need to at least lie in the direction of your dream. And for the first changes to occur, you need to grit your teeth and take a step - you will definitely succeed.
How losing weight will improve your life
So, when you finally decided to start the exciting process called "losing weight", it's time to understand why you need it. After all, we all only go towards the goals we passionately desire, right? Below are the most common consequences of weight loss that people who are losing weight dream about. Choose the ones that are closest to you!
Self confidence
After losing weight, you will finally look at yourself in the mirror with the full feeling that you are beautiful. There will be no more complexes and "problem areas" that prevent you from enjoying your body. And with that comes total self-confidence. You will feel in control much more often. Many things that you only dreamed of before will now no longer interest you, because you will already know what you are capable of.
Being overweight always brings with it many problems. And this is not just a huge load on the joints, cardiovascular system and thyroid gland. If we're talking about just 5 to 7 extra pounds, your body will still be grateful to get rid of them. Along with weight, skin problems, which suffer from an abundance of sugar and fat, will go away, digestion and metabolic processes will improve, and a feeling of lightness in the stomach will add vigor and strength.
New perspectives
Having achieved their goal, people begin to feel completely different than before. They live life with pleasure and discover more and more new things, whether it's a job you thought you weren't qualified for or a new hobby. Having achieved success in one area, you will begin to believe in yourself and explore this world much more actively.
Important!Here's the main thing that everyone who is looking for ways to motivate themselves to lose weight needs to understand: if you need someone's "magic kick" to start, which you constantly postpone, it means that you do not want to achieve the result is still strong enough (or in your mind it's not worth the effort).
Everyone has their own list of "wants" that are currently unattainable due to being overweight. By losing weight, you will not only gain self-confidence and good health, but you will also experience a new way of life: you will start wearing clothes that were previously unavailable, you will be able to go to the beach and the pool without embarrassment, you will become an example and inspiration for others. And how many successful nutritionists and fitness trainers started by losing weight themselves!
What are the consequences of postponing a "new life"?
Time is running out
Do you think you will always have time to lose weight? Do you promise yourself to start every week on Monday? But all this time, the days of your precious life are flying by - in fact, your only one. Think about where you could be now if you had started a no-excuses journey last year. Do you want to experience the same disappointment in a year? If not, the choice is yours.
Metabolism worsens
Every year it becomes more and more difficult for the average person to lose weight - that's a fact. Metabolic processes slow down, habits take root, and everyday life becomes more stressful. With age, muscles no longer become so easy to "move". Do not forget that although you postpone the path of a healthy lifestyle until later, you will naturally dig yourself a deep hole and move further away from your goal.
The dream is getting further and further away
Sociologists have noticed an interesting thing: if a guy doesn't approach the girl he likes within the first 30 seconds of noticing her, there's a high probability that he'll never meet her again. If there is not enough momentum, more and more excuses and doubts will arise. But this doesn't just work for girls - it's easier to start achieving your goal from the first thought. How long have you put off losing weight since you first thought about it? Every day you get further and further away from your dreams. And the likelihood of you succeeding tomorrow will be less than it is now.
The main secret of self-motivation
It's time to discover the main secret of weight loss motivation that works for both women and men. The problem is that this doesn't help you lose weight at all. Or rather, it's not like that: it works very well, but its useful life doesn't exceed a few weeks. And you can evaluate the first results of healthy weight loss no earlier than a month later. Do you know what I mean?
If you are still looking for motivation to lose weight every day, give up on that idea and work better on your willpower. Discipline and habit should become your new best friends. No "external" motivation will work if you don't change your consciousness. And all you need is persistence and time.
But don't be in a hurry to get upset: motivation to lose weight for girls, boys, children and adults is not a myth. It exists and even works well if you use it as the first push towards your goal. Below I will tell you in more detail about specific ways to motivate yourself to lose weight following the advice of psychologists and, in return, promise yourself that you will not postpone your dream again.
Where to look for motivation to lose weight: 5 effective ways
Surround yourself with the topic of weight loss on all sides
Do you know which method of learning foreign words teachers consider one of the most effective? All you need to do is write them on pieces of paper or bright pictures and place them throughout the apartment: on the refrigerator, in the bedroom, on the phone's screen saver. The more often your eyes encounter these words, the more familiar they will become to you and the faster your brain will remember them.
It's the same thing here. You need to make sure that the topic of a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and weight loss accompanies you throughout the day. Subscribe to thematic groups on social networks. networks, find like-minded people, listen to thematic podcasts and watch videos on the topic. You yourself will not notice how your brain will begin to perceive the new way of life as the norm.
Set a clear goal
It is impossible to walk a long and thorny path without burning your eyes. You must have a passionate desire to reach the finish line, and to do so, you need to understand what you are striving for. Without a clear, specific and measurable goal, it will be very difficult to force yourself to lose weight and any motivation will be powerless. Here are some tips on how to better define your goal:
- more details - think about all the conditions of your final result;
- do not forget that the goal must be realistic and achievable;
- set a clear deadline by which you must reach the finish line.
Give yourself a reward for your results
Reaching your goal becomes much easier if there is a valuable prize waiting for you at the end. Think about what big purchase or intangible thing you dream of - it will be a great incentive to follow your diet and get closer to your goal. In the meantime, as the weight loss process continues, you will have time to save money for your dream.
Find a model in your environment
One of the best motivations are examples of weight loss from acquaintances and friends. Find someone in your circle who has already walked this path and find out from them how they did it. If this is your close friend, you can consult him on various issues and receive a lot of useful tips. And also, his example, like no other, will prove that changing your life is quite possible.
Fall in love
Hormones can work wonders, making us indifferent to junk food and making us want to change to become a better version of ourselves. Of course, falling in love to order is impossible. But nothing prevents you from being in society a little more often, devoting time to pleasant friendships and communicating with girls. Even if you don't meet your sweetie now, as you become more active, you will meet lots of girls, which can motivate you to lose weight.
Quotes from famous people for self-motivation
- "There is nothing better than living life striving to become better. "Socrates
- "The journey to a thousand pounds begins with a burger. "Chris O'Brien
- "If you're not giving your body the best, you're simply robbing yourself. " Julio Erving
- "If you feel like you're giving up, remember why you were holding on before. " Jared Leto
- "At the end of the day, your health is your responsibility. " Jillian Michaels
Motivational phrases
- "Strength is not what you can do. There is strength in overcoming what you once thought you couldn't. "
- "Losing extra pounds doesn't start at the gym. It all starts with your thinking. "
- "In three months you will thank yourself. "
- "Sorry doesn't burn calories. "
- "You don't need to go fast, you just need to go. "
- "The question is not if you can. And when you do.
- "You didn't gain extra pounds in one day; And you won't lose them in one day. Be patient. "
- "Taking care of my health today gives me the best hope for tomorrow. "
- "When you feel like giving up, think about why you started. "
- "Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day after day. "
How to Make Sure Your Motivation Doesn't Fade
As mentioned earlier, the main secret of motivation to lose weight (as with anything else) is that its duration is calculated in a matter of days. It's not difficult to get excited about an idea - difficulties arise when you're already used to a new way of life and it starts to bore you. There are some tricks that can help you stay within your exercise routine without suffering.
Record your results
Keep a diary of your achievements in which you will record measurements, weight and other results. And, of course, don't forget to measure your parameters and step on the scales at least once a week. Even if you don't see results now, in the future, thanks to these detailed reports, you will immediately notice progress and be able to improve your path.
Take photos and record videos
Kilograms on the scales do not always show a clear picture of what is happening - weight can "jump" due to edema, undigested food and even simply an increase in muscle mass (which is much heavier than adipose tissue). In this case, regularly photographing your body will be an excellent motivation to continue losing weight.
Eat cheat meals
A cheat meal is a special day when you take a break and slowly eat something that is prohibited on normal days. Cheat meals are beneficial from both a psychological and physical perspective, so they should definitely be included in your weight loss schedule. Determine the regularity of these days yourself: on average, cheat meals are eaten 1-2 times a month.
Don't blame yourself for moments of weakness
Be prepared for a breakdown in advance - only in this case it will not stop you from moving forward. Don't punish yourself by "spending" extra calories and, above all, don't think that everything is lost. If a breakdown occurs, analyze what the problem was (most often this happens when you were very hungry and a "forbidden" item caught your eye, but there are other reasons) and draw a conclusion for the future.
Important!Weight loss never happens in a linear way - it is a very long, thorny path and full of unforeseen events. If you are ready for it, nothing will divert you from your path.
Remember why you are doing this
Keep remembering three things:
- at what point did you decide to start;
- What will you;
- What are you running from?
Motivational phrases, quotes, examples, life hacks are just "food" for the brain. The real effect comes only from willpower and a developed habit. Keep this in mind and don't rush to look for new inspiration as soon as the motivational effect wears off. Nourish and strengthen your character and remember that you can do much more than you think!